Frontier Heritage Fair
Fur Trade ~ Old West ~ Civil War
We are pleased to announce that we will have a booth for children, making corn dollies, again this year at the Frontier Heritage Fair at the Lane Events Center Auditorium. We love doing this each year- please come join us!
The dates are Feb 15 & 16, 2020, and the times are:
Saturday, 9am to 5pm,
Sunday, 9am to 4pm
Cost is $5, kids 12 and under free with an adult.
We need volunteers who love talking to the public about our programs. Dress up as a pioneer and make fun crafts with kids. There is usually live old-time music and plenty of booths, displays and activities. Contact Karen Rainsong if you’d like to be on our team:
This event is sponsored by the Fort Umpqua Muzzleloaders and is the same weekend as the Asian Celebration. Make plans to do both events!
See you there!