explore history graphic scec

Nominate your school for free programs this Spring!


For our ten year anniversary in 2025, we are giving away a series of in-classroom history presentations to three lucky schools. The Kalapuya Ways, Fur Trapper, and Letters From the Trail in-classroom presentations will be provided free of charge for a fourth grade class in Bethel, Eugene 4J, and Creswell/South Lane school districts.

If your school is in the Bethel, 4J or Creswell/South Lane school districts and includes a 4th grade class, you are eligible! We are happy to bring our suite of in-classroom presentations that bring history to life in engaging ways. Normally these are $125 each, so this is a $375 value!

See our pages describing each of these programs:

Kalapuya Ways
Hudson’s Bay Co. Fur Trappers
Letters From the Trail

We want to provide this valuable learning opportunity to schools that are excited to host us, that have at least 20 students in their 4th grade class, and that have been learning about Oregon’s history.

Nominations will be read by a group of our SCEC board members and our Executive Director and the winners will be chosen in the first week of March.

DEADLINE: February 28th

Nominate your School: Explore History!

Your school must be in the Bethel, 4J or South Lane School districts and have at least one fourth grade classroom. Winners will be announced the first week of March.

Your Name(Required)
Only one nomination per person, please.
Which school district is it in?(Required)
We appreciate your nomination! Multiple nominations from different people will not necessarily increase your chances. One well-written entry is all you need.

Annabelle Smith letters from the trail
Kalapuya ways talk Karen
history field trip at the SMJ house in Eugene

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